Białowieza National Park
Places in Poland

Białowieza National Park

In some Polish regions, bounded on state borders, are nature parks that form a whole with a nature park in the neighbouring state. In these situations there is some kind of co-operation between both countries.

The Białowieza National Park, bounded on a national park in Belarus. As protected area, the Białowieza Forest is known since the late XIV - early XV century, when the Grand Duke Jagiełło announced its reserve and a ban on hunting. In 1992 UNESCO decided to put the Białowieza Forest on the List of World Heritage of Humanity. In 1997 it was granted the status of Biosphere Reserve. In 1998 the Białowieza Forest is assigned an important bird area of
Wisent in the Białowieza Forest          

international importance.
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Polonica stamps:

Belarus 2009, 03 X
France 2005, 28 XI